The gross redemption yield of a bond is simply the average rate at which the sum of the future coupon payments and redemption proceeds are discounted to equate their value to the current market price. 债券的总赎回收益率,简单来说,就是使未来的息票兑现额和赎回收益的总和等于当前的市场价格的平均利率。
On the gross income and the way of fixing the price in factory, we design the model depending on the theory of optimization and so we can quickly make the price. 文章针对工厂总收入和定价的问题,运用最优化理论建立了数学模型,由此能迅速定出产品的价格,具有较强的实用价值。
Study of the ratio of generalized gross profit rates for price system 价格系统广义毛利率比例结构研究
Please deduct insurance and freight charges from the gross price in the invoice. 请在发票中将运输和保险费用减除。
The agency expects Russia to run a current account deficit next year of 2.6 per cent of gross domestic product due to the oil price fall, putting further pressure on the balance of payments. 该机构预计,由于油价下跌,明年俄罗斯的经常账户赤字将占到其国内生产总值(gdp)的2.6%,给国际收支平衡带来进一步的压力。
Gross margins however improved only slightly from 11 to 11.1 per cent, with the company warning that price cutting and fake products were widespread in China, depressing average retail prices for mobile brands such as Nokia and Motorola. 不过,毛利润率只是略有提高,从11%升至11.1%。该公司警告称,降价和假冒产品在中国非常普遍,压低了诺基亚(Nokia)和摩托罗拉(Motorola)等移动电话品牌的平均零售价。
The company, which declines to give its gross sales figures, says its average purchase price is about$ 600. 该公司拒绝公布销售总额,只表示其购物均价为600美元左右。
He says take three gross of the blue, he'll give us a price on the red. 他说要拿三个蓝色的降温器,他可以给我们红色的价钱。
In either case, the gross profit margin of golf equipment sales is affected as the higher selling price reflects only the material cost increase. 在以上两个情况下,提高售价亦只能反映物料价增长,因此高尔夫球器材销售的边际利润会受到影响。
Turnover tax refers to a tax on the gross revenue of a business, while a VAT refers to a tax levied on the difference between a commodity's price before taxes and its cost of production. 营业税指的是对一个企业营业总收入所征收的税,而增值税指的是对商品税前价格和生产成本之间的差额征收的税。
Total gross weight/ total number of packages all-items index [ Consumer Price Index] 货物总毛重/总包装件数总指数〔消费物价指数〕
These risks have gone beyond the enduring capability of Chinese economy not only from the perspective of gross supply and demand, price level but also from the perspective of employment. 这些风险无论是从供求总量角度,或是从物价水平角度,还是从就业角度来看,都超出了我国经济的承受能力。
Gross Value of Industrial Output ( at 1990 constant price) 分地区工业总产值(按90年不变价格计算)
It is because the movement of paper money causes a possibility for the enhancement of gross price level. Furthermore, it is not good for economic development to lower gross price level. 这是因为纸币流通为价格总水平上涨提供了可能,同时,普遍降低价格总水平不利于经济的发展。
The gross burden of Chinese farmers is made up of five parts: agricultural duty, charge except tax, product price scissors, etc. 中国农民总负担由农业税、税外费、产品剪刀差等五部分组成。
This article aims at analyzing Chinese macro-consumption, GNP ( Gross National Product) and INP ( index number of price) of retailing business. and try to establish an ECM ( error correcting model) with EG two-step standard. 本文旨在对中国宏观消费、国民生产总值和零售物价指数进行协整分析,并使用EG两步法建立一个中国宏观消费的误差修正模型(ECM)。
On the Relation between labour productivity and Gross price level 论劳动生产率与价格总水平的关系
Therefore, it is discussed in this paper on how to use mobile cost to calculate the gross profit and the target profit and how to decide the price of the products. 为此,具体讨论了如何运用变动成本法计算产品边际贡献额,建立量、本、利分析模式,测算目标利润,制定产品的价格。
Based on products 'sales volume and gross profit rate, a new sectors' products price model_ economic sectors price model_is established in view of production and market in this paper. 本文基于产品的销售额和毛利率,从生产和市场的角度出发,提出了一个新型的部门产品价格模式&经济部门系统的价格模型。
The total investment in the construction of the project includes gross expenditures for the main works, expenditures for resettlement and land acquisition for construction, independent fees, basic reserve funds, reserve funds for price differences, and interest for loans during construction. 三峡工程总投资包括枢纽建筑物总费用、建设征地和移民安置费用、独立费用、基本预备费、价差预备费和建设期贷款利息等六大部分。
And Tianjin water population and gross domestic production were forecasted with bifurcation theory and chaos theory and living water price and industry water price was forecasted with gray theory and the income per people per year were forecasted with neural network. 其中,用分岔和混沌理论预测天津市用水人口数量和国内生产总值(GDP);用灰色理论预测生活用水水价和工业用水水价;
Research result shows that in 2006 gross profit of intangible assets by significant positive impact, 2007 and 2008 have positive effects, but there is no significant difference of intangible assets, the capital market is positive, but the price is not significant. 研究结论表明:2006年无形资产对主营业务利润由显著的正向影响,2007年、2008年有正向影响但影响并不显著,资本市场对无形资产有正向价格反映,但并不显著。
As the depreciation does not affect on the quotient of incumbents notablely or the gross profit of the industry is small, incumbents will provide a price umbrella for new entrants. 当降价并不显著影响传统电信运营商的市场份额减少或者行业毛利率相对较小时,传统电信运营商将为行业新进入者降价提供价格伞。
Through the analysis of ECM model, it finds that short-term fluctuation of construction cost is sensitive to itself, the gross regional product, registered unemployment rate in cities and towns and general retail price index of commodities which is also the only having a negative correlation. 通过ECM模型可以发现建筑工程造价的短期波动对自身、地区生产总值、商品零售价格总指数、城镇登记失业率较为敏感,其中仅商品零售价格总指数是负相关。